Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rolling in the mud...

After a tremendous storm in the wee hours of Sunday morning, our yard, drive and ditches were literally overflowing. The garden took a beating too, but HOPEFULLY Heath salvaged it. Lucas and his neighbor-friend Logan found a mud puddle to play in. The product:

On a serious note, my co-workers and I are taking the recent Swine Flu pandemic at it's utmost sincerity... We are practicing good, thorough handwashing skills, going through a bottle of Purell per day, and even sporting masks to help stop the spread of germs:




Thursday, April 30, 2009

I know you are dying to know...

10 things about me!

1. What is your current obsession? Washing hands!! No swine flu for us!

2. Which item of clothing do you wear most often? My Charlotte Russe jeans, I would wear them 24/7 if I could get away with it!

3. What's for dinner? hamburger helper, per request de hubby

4. What are you listening to? a conference call at work on the swine flu!

5. Say something about the one who tagged you. She's adorable and pregnant.

6. Favorite vacation spots? anywhere a beach is involved.

7. What am I reading right now? My sisters keeper, jodi piccoult

8. Four words to describe myself. Happy, Loving, creative, concerned.

9. Guilty pleasure? coffee and magazines

10. First spring thing to do? PLANT!

And now I tag....EVERYONE! I love all of my readers and all of the blogs I follow so you are all it!
haha I'm afraid if I tag or award my bloggie friends one more time they might become annoyed so if you have the time I challenge you all to do it!


Just some older pics of Lucas. He is growing up so quickly. Heath and I were noticing last night how tall he is getting. He's definately not a baby anymore! Last night at church, Heath met baby Klayton for the very first time. He thought he was a pretty cute little fella. H just looks so natural with a baby, unlike most men! I'm not sure what Lucas thought about Daddy holding a baby, though. Guess when we have little brother (or sister), we'll really find out what he thinks!

Monday, April 27, 2009


While visiting with friends last night, I heard one of the most random statements I've heard, possbily in my life.

We were all (about 10 of us) standing outside talking about various subjects. Conversation died down and was almost silent, when Daniel randomly says..."Well, I found out that Wild Turkey doesn't kills wasps. "
No one had come close to talking about wasps, or Wild Turkey for that matter. Weird. He definately got a few strange looks, but we all laughed.

Oh, and food for thought: Raid or Hot Shot is a whole lot cheaper than Wild Turkey. Of this, I am sure.

While thinking about wasps, I forgot to mention that our neighbor killed a coral snake right in the backyard! I've heard that they run in pairs so I've been like a mad mama bear looking for its mate!! Heres what I discovered about this specific snake:

The Texas Coral Snake is a brightly colored diurnal snake (active during the day) which can be found throughout the state. However, their preferred habitat is rotting wood in densely forested areas, so a rotting board in your backyard would not be sufficient habitat for them. Although venomous snakes are not as commonly seen in our area as most people are led to believe, this is one that could be encountered due to their daytime activity patterns.
First the bad news: Texas Coral Snakes are in a family of snakes called Elapidae, which includes potentially deadly snakes (cobras, mambas, taipans, sea snakes) found in other parts of the world. Their venom is neurotoxic, which means it attacks the nervous system. Neurotoxic venom in sufficient quantities can cause dizziness, numbness, slurred speech, loss of muscle control, paralysis and even respiratory and heart failure.
Now the good news: Generally speaking, the Texas Coral Snake averages 2 to 2 1/2 feet in length as an adult and has a very small head and very small mouth. They also do not have the highly pressurized venom delivery system of the pit vipers, and have fangs that are no more than 1/8 inch long. This means that a coral snake would have to chew on a victim, and I don't know of too many people that will let ANY kind of snake chew on them for long, let alone a coral snake!!
Texas Coral Snakes can be easily identified by the particular order of the bright red, black and yellow bands encircling the body. Wherever there is a red band on a Texas Coral Snake, there will be yellow bands on each side of it. In contrast, the harmless Louisiana Milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum amaura, has red bands that are bordered by black bands. Hence the rhyme:
Red touch yellow can kill a fellow; Red touch black, venom lack.

The Texas Coral Snake also has black speckling in the red bands, whereas the milksnake does not. Keep in mind that the Texas Coral Snake is generally diurnal and the Louisiana Milksnake is generally nocturnal, so you are more likely to see a coral snake than a milksnake during the day.


Few notes about the weekend.

Saturday was MIL's 59th birthday. Heath, Lucas and I went to breakfast first thing that morning, then went to the store to get supplies so that I could make her a gift basket:

Complete with her favorite candy, flowers, new earrings, bracelet and necklace (pink and bronze pearls), a fun magazine, pics of Lucas, and some pampering items!

My FIL and I had a small suprise dinner for her at El Chico. Heath had to work, so he wasn't able to make it. There were about 30 people there I think. She was really surprised, as she thought she was going on a 'date' with her hubby!

Sunday morning we went to church. The kids and I had a great time. We are learning all about the Fruits of the Spirit. Last week we studied "love" and this week we are learning about "joy". The kids have been really resposive and are seeming to enjoy learning about the gifts that God has given us. And, I am finding that in teaching them, I am learning a lot as well! Also, Ashley dedicated her new little prince, Klayton Tyler. This was the first time Lucas had seen Klayton. In fact it was the first time Lucas had seen a baby that small. He thought Klayton was so cool. He was very sweet and very soft with him. He said thats how little his little brother will be one day. ;)

Sunday afternoon Amber and I decided to run to WalMart and buy Lucas and Irenee a slip-n-slide. When we got there, they found a small pool with a slide, and a Zebra that sprays water and decided that looked like more fun. After we finally got it blown up and ready to go they had a great time!

At church last night, Lucas was determined that he was going to preach. Papaw offered to let him sing instead, and he accepted. He seemed to be satisfied. I'm so proud of my little man.
He sang Jesus Loves Me. And, yes, He sure does love you baby and so do I.

Now, it's MONDAY! Fun's over, time to get to work. It's been a rough morning. I still have Chris on my mind constantly. I have dreamt, in some form or fashion, of him for the last 5 nights in a row. RIP my friend.

So, my break is over, Back to work. Lots to do today as I was in training all day Friday...didn't get much accomplished in the office. After several nights without much rest, I have really been hitting the coffee pot hard this morning!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gardening Guru...ok, well not quite

Lucas and his friend, Irenee.

So excited that our garden has started pepping up. The corn is even breaking through the soil. Can't wait to start havesting and canning and most of all EATING!
Happy Friday! TGIF.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today I am sad.

It still seems like yesterday. There I was, 6 months pregnant, in a boat. Did I really want to be there? Nah. But my friend, Chris talked me into it. He said I needed to get out of the house. Heath was working, I had nothing better to do. But I was pregnant, I argued. He assured me that I’d still be the cutest gal on the lake, especially with my little belly poking out from under the plain white tank top I was sporting that afternoon. So I lathered my nose, and my belly, with sunscreen and loaded up in his truck with him and Kristy. We had the best time that day. Just relaxing in the sun and watching everyone ride jet skis and fish. Chris even got a ticket from the game warden. No, not for having a whale in his boat (me), but for lack of a registration card. But he didn’t let that ruin the day. That was Chris. Always smiling, always making me laugh. Always, always, taking care of me and looking out for me. He was my big brother. My friend. My confidant. I miss him so much, everyday. But for some reason, today…I can’t get him out of my mind. I have been on the verge of tears all day and I just can’t quite put my finger on what it is that seems so much more heart-wrenching about today compared to any other day. Nothing about his “story” has changed. He went away to war in Iraq and never returned home. Heath and I lost a friend. Pat lost a son. Dawn and Kyle lost a brother. Kristy lost a fiancé. But, today…it feels like the first night we found out. I’ll never forget that night. And today, all of those emotions are flooding back in. It’s been nearly four years, and the emotional floodgate has been opened. I love you Chris.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


My blog friend Melissa tagged me with a fun sharing game. Thanks Melissa!
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Being pregnant and pampered
2. Having baby #2 even though I know my world will be turned upside down big time!
3. I have to say that I am aggressively looking forward to the weekend!
5. Playing with Lucas after work.
6. Our garden to grow!
7. Mackin’ on my hubby after the sun goes down.
8. Oh and I almost forgot! Dinner.

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Took Lucas to daycare and went to work.
2. Had shrimp for lunch-yum! :D
3. Updated my blog.
4. Got a great bargain on some clothes.
5. painted my toenails whoopeeeeee
6. Went to church.
7. left church as soon as we got there to see a coworker at hospital
8. loved.

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Go on a vacation
2. Win the lottery.
3. surf
4. only work part time and still make the same pay I do now…
5. Have my pre-baby body back for good.
6. I wish I could be more easy going and let ppls negative CRAP run through one ear and out the other instead of bug me all day.
7. be closer to all of our family and friends
8. stop lucas from growing up!

8 shows I watch:
1. House
2. CSI:Miami
3. Law & Order
4. American Idol
5. Friends re-runs
6. Backyardigans
7. Spiderman
8. UFC

Idol Chatter

I now will give you all my take on American Idol because I feel certain you have all been sitting around, biting your nails, wishing for this.You haven't? Hmmph. Okay...on with my thoughts.

Dear Allison,
Just one week would you dye your hair black just so we can see how it looks? Please? I heard your voice described as "a set of vocal chords that have been marinating in Jack Daniels for 30 years." I couldn't have said it better myself. For 16 you are amazing. I do not think you did yourself justice with that song from Armageddon, but mainly because:
1. No one can sing like Stephen Tyler. NO ONE. (Hey Adam, NO ONE.)
2. And lastly because no one can sing like Stephen Tyler.
So next week, sing something from Pink. That's who you sound like. And color your hair...black...just for me. Think about it.

Dear Anoop,
I love you. I really do. I don't know why everyone has been so mad at you and continually putting you in the bottom three. I'm confused by this. I think you are cute as a button, you have a beautiful voice and I loved you in Slumdog Millionaire. I hope things work out for you. I think you deserve to stay longer than Lil, for Pete's sake.

Dear Adam,Uh............I'm confused.......................I think I’m a fan. But, in a way I’m not. And it's not because I feel like I am watching a Broadway musical every time you perform. And it's not because you gyrate, though I hate it when people "gyrate." And it's not because you lick the microphone like you're trying to get it pregnant. It's because you wear more make-up than my 10th grade science partner did. Bare Minerals. The end.

Dear Matt,
Dude. What is up? You could have sang any song from the movie Ray and yet you chose a Brian Adams song from a movie about a shirtless Lothario? What gives? My desire is for you to shave your head, wear white sneakers, sit behind a piano and sing Senorita. Oh, wait. Maybe my desire is just to go download Justin Timberlake from itunes and call it a day.

Dear Kris,
That performance? A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Really wonderful. Delicate and simple. And who in their right mind doesn't like that song? You just keep showin' up, little man.

Dear Danny,
Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny. Danny, Danny, Danny, Danny. I like you so much. And I love your voice. And it's not just because you sang Endless Love and it's not because you kind of got weepy eyes when you sang it and it's not because your eyeglasses are the cutest thing since Leo's side swept bangs. It's because...okay, I lied, it's because of all those things.

Dear Lil,
It's been nice knowin' ya, Lil. But my dear, you tried to do something that I will always and forever object to: You tried to pull off a Bette Midler song. I guess I just find it astonishing that out of all the songs (Hello! Preacher's Wife, DreamGirls, Body Guard and Blues Brothers) you chose, The Rose. Hmmm. Call your kids, momma's coming home.

So there you have it. My thoughts.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

wordless wednesday

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Because i secretly love these things...

Three names you go by:
1. Monica 2. Baby3. Mommy
Three things you are wearing right now:1. pink nail polish2. wedding ring3. my favorite bra
Three things you want very badly at the moment:1. some water2. a smaller tummy area3. A baby
Three things you did last night:1. de-vained shrimp…fun times 2. played with Lucas3. went to bed early…wasn’t feeling too hot
Three things you ate today:1. an apple 2. a sandwich 3. an orange
Two people you last talked to on the phone:1. Mr. Quarterman2. an ex-con
Three things you are going to do tomorrow:1. Go to work 2. Go to church 3. hang with my Lucas
Two of your longest car rides:1. Texas to Florida 2. Texas to Colorado
(those aren’t very long but they seemed that way.)
Two of your favorite beverages:1. Milk 2. Water

Dawn Elaine Everett

Dawn Elaine Everett was born July 31, 1979 in Huntsville and passed away April 6, 2009 in Houston where she had recently moved. She graduated from Huntsville High School and Sam Houston State University with a BBA International Business & Finance degree. Dawn worked at HISD as an Instructional Assistant, and for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in several different capacities, including being a correctional officer. Upon completion of her degree Dawn worked in sales.
She was preceded in death by her brother Staff Sergeant Christopher Lee Everett, paternal grandfather Harley Everett, maternal grandfather James Greger, an aunt and uncle Joyce and Pat Roach.
She is survived by her daughter Audrey Arellano of Spring, mother Larraine and husband A. J. McGee, father Patrick Everett, and brother Kyle Everett all of Huntsville, maternal grandmother Dorothy Greger, paternal grandmother Henrietta Everett, uncle Larry Greger and wife Melinda all of Temple, aunt Patti Bryant and husband Wayne of Longview, aunt Jo Anne Garner of Waco, uncle James Garner and wife Allison of San Antonio, along with numerous cousins and friends.
Services will be held Friday April 10, 2009 at 10 AM in the chapel of Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home with Rev. Billy Jackson officiating. Interment will follow at Brooke Cemetery under the direction of Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home.
The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 PM Thursday April 9, 2009 with a Rosary beginning at 7 PM at the funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers, the family request donations to an educational fund for Audrey through Bank of America – 1 Financial Plaza – Huntsville, Texas 77340.
Those wishing to leave memorial condolences for the family may do so at www.shmfh.com.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Ok. Since I am on a posting roll, here is a pic of our soon-to-be garden. Heath tilled up the land all afternoon Friday. He is planting today so I will soon have after pics! Lucas and I planted some flowers in our the flower bed by our back door. (no pics due to dead batts) They are beautiful petunias and God gave us a much needed rain on Sunday! I love spring and all that comes with it.

Saturday afternoon Lucas and I went to Aprils birthday party. We ate crawfish, birthday cake and had a good time hanging out and playing. Later in the afternoon we had an egg hunt for the kids. A few pics to share, thanks to April!


Do you ever wish you could go back in time? Where would you go? What would you do?

Some would go back and attempt to change history. You know, make sure Adolph Hitler never gets to purchase that 'how to be an evil dictator kit.' Or the folks that doubted that Mt. Vesuvius was going to blow would make it out of Pompeii in time to avoid the lava bath.

Others would go back in time to make easy money. Simple plan, just head back to the 1970's and put some serious bank in the little known company called Microsoft, and you're pretty much set for life. Or you could really impress your friends by knowing every Super Bowl and World Series champion year after year after year.

But then there are the people like me who would go back for a very different reason...which would be this:

We look back in time and see all the forks in the road of life where we took the wrong turn, and permanent damage was done. All the unkind things we said, all the bad choices that we now regret, all the amazing opportunities that were given, but wasted.
That's kinda the premise of the film 17 Again starring 'I'm not just the High School Musical star' Zac Efron (Vanessa Hudgens not included). Zac plays a character that regrets missed opportunities from High School and is transformed into a 17 year old and given a second chance to be a basketball rock star. Of course, this is just a movie, right? But in real life, we can't go back and change our mistakes. Maybe that's what makes this film intriguing to so many...because it's captivating to think that there is a way we could unload guilt and regret from the past.

I have some great news for you. There actually is a way to change your past. It doesn't involve a time machine or an age transformation; it is actually much more radical change. What I'm talking about is a deeply personal experience that is a complete renovation of your soul and perspective on your past.
Are you in? If so, read through the promises listed below that come from God Himself:

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness (1 John 1:9).
For his unfailing love toward those who fear Him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:11-12).
Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean! (Micah 7:19).
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17).
These passages from the Bible are more than just words. They are pledges from the God of the universe who does not lie and who does not change. When you trust Jesus as your only hope of salvation, your past is dissolved like a drop of ink in a sea of pure water.
And now, here's the best part. Not only is your past forgiven, but even the things that haunt you in quiet moments can be used by God for your ultimate good:
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them (Romans 8:28).
Isn't this amazing? The stupid things we've done, the hurts we've caused, even the opportunities we missed are dark colors that God takes and transforms into a beautiful and bright picture when we leave it in His hands.
Bottom line: we can't go back and physically change the things that have happened, and we can't be transformed into a kid...but...we can gather all the sadness and remorse from our past and give it to the God who truly makes all things new.
So are you ready to be forgiven...again?


I am a little behind on posting. And kind of out of order. Last weekend we loaded up in the truck with Pat and Eppie and headed to Canton. It was the guys first experience! Here's my photo documentation of the trip:

you might be a redneck...

our lil' melon

i think they are ready to go...

my beautiful bestie


Mental list of Easter Blessings

the resurrection of our Savior

teaching Lucas the TRUE meaning

beautiful spring days

planting new flowers and veggies

rainy days

teaching my kids at church

Olive Garden with amazing family

crawfish, corn, n taters

watching Lucas play and hunt eggs

Lucas sandwiches in our bed

the amazing love of my life

Wednesday, April 8, 2009